What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy and How Does it Work

An ever-increasing number of men are experiencing testosterone deficiency, a condition that is often also referred to as “low T”. Recent research has suggested that testosterone levels may decrease as rapidly as 2% annually after the age of 30, and further studies have revealed that the prevalence of low T is as high as 38.7% in men aged 45 or older. So, is there anything that can be done to help this, or is it a lost cause? Well, why don’t we find out?


Naturally, this has all led to a surge in physicians, and specifically endocrinologists, prescribing a special treatment protocol called testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT for short. As research steadily progresses, the scientific and medical communities are gaining a much clearer grasp of how testosterone levels influence longevity and well-being, and trained men’s health physicians are now well-versed in how to administer prescription testosterone in a safe and effective manner. If you want to do some research for yourself, you can find a variety of useful and evidence-based research at www.testosterone.org, where you can quickly see what it’s all about. But what exactly is TRT, and how does it function? Well, for that, we are going to have to delve a little deeper. 

What is it?

Testosterone Replacement Therapy, or TRT, is a unique kind of hormone replacement therapy designed to restore healthy testosterone levels in someone who suffers from a lack thereof. It is actually quite similar to the use of insulin in type-I diabetics, where the body lacks endogenous production of a necessary hormone and so it needs to be “replaced,”  so to speak, with an exogenous source. In the case of TRT, this means using exogenous testosterone, usually prescribed as an injection, aimed at bringing testosterone levels back to a healthy range. Other forms of these prescriptions exist as well, such as testosterone patches and creams, both of which are absorbed through the skin rather than being injected. While the majority of men on TRT are over the age of 50, younger men are beginning to take action into their own hands and have their testosterone levels checked. This is strongly encouraged if you are experiencing the symptoms of low T, which will be covered a little later. 

Low T Symptoms

The symptoms of this low T have a typically negative impact on your health and well-being. Males who are testosterone deficient also find that their symptoms tend to get worse over time, which starts to drastically lower their quality of life and reduce their motivation to even get out of bed in the morning. Reduced libido, low energy throughout the day, loss of muscle mass and strength, an increase in body fat, general depression, poor concentration, general weakness and brittle bones, hair loss, and a variety of sleep disorders are the most common symptoms of low T in men. If you experience any, or even all, of these symptoms, you may be a candidate for TRT. However, you have to confirm your testosterone levels through blood work first before making any decisions, so consult a physician first. 

How does it work?

Now that we know what TRT is, we can move on to how it works. Put simply, TRT works by giving your body the testosterone it requires to function properly. Low T is associated with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and a myriad of other debilitating health conditions, and having low T makes it significantly harder to not only build but also retain muscle mass, since testosterone is a potent anabolic hormone, directly impacting muscle protein synthesis. If your body does not produce enough testosterone on its own, your health will suffer and continue to suffer until you fix the issue. TRT works by bringing your body back to a healthy testosterone range, which then slowly begins to reverse the symptoms of low T. Once a steady baseline dose has been established, most men notice an improvement in their energy levels, quality of life, and vitality. With this in mind, TRT is not an overnight remedy, and some men will not notice any beneficial changes until a couple of months have passed. 

If you are certain that TRT is what you need, then do not forget to do all this under the guidance of a trained physician who knows what to do, how to do it, and what to avoid, as you are suffering from enough problems as it is without adding more issues while trying to solve the ones already existing.