This year, on the weekend of October 5-7, you can get out of town and see the biggest pumpkin you ever have (last year’s contest winning pumpkin weighed 1,500+ lbs) and watch it drop from high above and smash on to the ground on this must-do Edmonton fall day trip.
From a pancake breakfast, pie, marketplace, midway, petting zoo and finally, the giant pumpkin drop – it’s one of those day trips you’ve got to take with the kids during the fall season in Edmonton.
What to Expect at the Smoky Lake Pumpkin Festival
The Great White North Pumpkin Fair is the first Saturday in October every year. The growers of Alberta and surrounding provinces bring their pumpkins, squash and gourds to the world famous Smoky Lake Great White North Pumpkin Fair and weigh off. Contestants have been known to travel over 1000 kilometres to participate in the event.
Visitors can enjoy the Iron Cruisers Show & Shine, featuring cars and trucks from all over Alberta. As you are walking through the show you can stop at the bakery or enjoy a treat from the many outside vendors or town restaurants.
The kids can play at the petting zoo or go for a ride in the mini midway.
At noon the weigh-off begins! Later in the day, you can enjoy the midway with the kids and take part in the many family-friendly activities on-site, as you wait for the big pumpkin drop, at 5:30 pm.
Visit for more details