Clip n Climb is Open and Here’s What You Need to Know Before you Visit

Clip n Climb is Open in Edmonton! 

Clip n Climb is open and it’s one of those places that’s going to come in handy if you have children that are climbing the walls with the weather we’ve having so far this summer – at Clip n Climb, they’ve got twenty different options to choose from. 

Walls are themed, have challenges and range in difficulty levels, but children as young as four can visit and find a climbing experience they’ll enjoy. Whether they have climbing experience or not, they’ll be able to tackle the walls, from climbing with pegs, to straightforward, gym style climbing and even the ones that our kids found more challenging, the spheres, and coloured circles. 

Can you climb with your child? When we visited there weren’t a lot of parents climbing (me included, as we had a toddler in tow who was along for the ride but too young too climb), but parents can participate, and get hooked up to climb, and even get in on the timed challenges. 

We brought along a seven year old avid climber and she quickly learned the true blue belay system, to the point where she was easily  able to attach and detach from the system herself. 

Book in Advance 

It’s recommended to book in advance before your visit. This is an easy process and can be done in just a few seconds, online. You can even fill out the waiver before you visit! You can even use the online booking service to book a birthday party at Clip n Climb.

Know before you go 

  • Hour time slots are booked on the hour. Make sure you show up a few minutes early to get the hang of the True Blue Belay system, and that way you can take the quick intro and be ready to go when your time is available. 
  • The cost to climb is $20 per hour. It’s a bit of a splurge, but we like to offset these once in a while trips with many free and cheap activities in between. 
  • The super challenge vertical drop slide is an extra $4. Kids will put on a suit and hold on to bars that will lift them up as far as they’re comfortable on the vertical slide, and slide down. If you want to slide twice, it’s $6. 
  • Clean, indoor shoes are required to climb indoor at Clip n Climb – in addition to indoor shoes, dress in gym appropriate clothing for comfort – our kids were sweaty at the end of their one-hour non-stop climbing session! 
  • Kids do not require any climbing experience to climb at Clip n Climb, if they love to climb on things, anything, they’ll enjoy themselves. 
  • Water is available for purchase, but you can bring your own water and leave it on the tables just outside of the climbing area. 

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