For a couple of years now, we’ve done the butterfly raising kits from Education Station. This small container of creepy crawlies filled with food gets picked up, and as the caterpillars grow and grow, they attach on to the top, entering the chrysalides and eventually emerge as painted lady butterflies.
It’s one of those signs of Spring around here.
You can order the butterfly raising kit online, for $29.99 from Education Station. In addition to ordering online, you can also place the order by phone or through one of the Education Station store locations.
After you’ve ordered the kit, you can pick it up, in-store. As an add-on to the kit, you’re going to want to use a habitat to raise the butterflies in, and place the chrysalides in, before you release them. You can find those at Education Station, and they range in price from $1.99 to $29.99. This is a one-time purchase since you can re-use it every year to raise the butterflies.
Pick up of the painted lady butterfly raising kits in Edmonton at Education Station begins April 26, 2016, and orders must be placed at least ten days in advance.
The entire process took under a month and always amazes the kids, as the caterpillars grow so quickly, and then enter the chrysalides stage, before growing into butterflies. Every year, it is a different experience, as the kids notice different changes, and get to release the butterflies late in the spring.
Order butterfly raising kits in Edmonton from Education Station and click through to find additional details and information about where to start and what you need.