4 Multiplayer Casino Games for You and Your Friends

A favorite pastime is one of the best things you can share with your closest friends. It could be anything from a hobby to a game. If you and your friends are avid casino goers, There is an easy and convenient way to play casino games: playing them online.

Online casinos are on the rise due to their ease and convenience. There are several games you can play on your own, but there are also many that you can play with your friends. The following are five online casino games for you and the gang to bond with.


Slots are a popular and ubiquitous casino essential people flock to. There are different kinds of slot games, many with different themes, icons, and combinations, but ultimately they have nearly the same general mechanic. Slots often rely on a random number generator (RNG) to produce results.

The main goal in slot machine games is to get matching patterns. For example, the most classic slot games in in-person casinos are the three-reel machines, and you aim to have matching patterns in the middle row. 

As for other slots, especially the virtual ones in online casinos, they have five reels and thus have several patterns you could match to win a certain amount of money.

But aren’t slot machines single-player games? Most of the time, yes. However, it doesn’t have to be in the way if you want to play with your friends. There is more than one way to play online slots with other people, after all. 

One way would be to play together in a single account. You or any of your friends can set up an account (if none of you has yet) and take turns playing away. You can each contribute to depositing money in the account, and you can also split your winnings. Another way would be to look for specific multiplayer slot games, particularly those where you can create private servers and invite your friends through their accounts.


Poker is a favorite multiplayer card game many enjoy inside and outside a casino. If you and your bunch want to play and gamble against each other with poker in a different setting, or you do not find the time to meet up with each other personally, then you can opt for a poker game online. 

At least two people should play the game. Besides the cards, you will need to have chips if you want to gamble (whether pretend or not). The central premise is that you will be dealt five cards, and you could gamble or not or draw cards for a better hand. The one with the most chips bid and the one with the best hand wins. 

There are several types and versions of poker you can play. Online casinos also have their fair share of poker games; you can choose which one you and your friends prefer. There are two ways you can play poker online. 

The first one is through tournaments. There are live poker games that hold their tournament, and anyone can participate. The second one is playing live poker games that allow you to set up your private server or room where you can invite whomever you want. Make sure your friend group all have accounts from the same online casino site.


Baccarat is another popular card game played in casinos. It is a simple game to learn and can be played on your own or with other people besides the house who serve as your banker. This is a card game where, instead of competing with your fellow players, you compete against the banker, the term used as the dealer.

The aim is to win by having a hand closer to 9 than the banker’s (the dealer or house) hand. Cards 1-9 are their face value, the ace card is worth 1, and the rest are worth 0. You place your bet, and you and the banker will be initially dealt two cards for you to stand, and if either deck has a total of 5 or fewer, you can be dealt another one, and then you can stand.

Since Baccarat can be multiplayer, you can play it with anyone, except that your banker will likely be RNG when playing in an online casino. Regardless, you can still play with your friends. You can all chip in and play with one account or play together in a live multiplayer version of the game.


Roulette is perhaps one of the most iconic casino games. It is another game you can play on your own and with several other players. This game is easily recognizable even by non-casino goers just by looking at its main prop: the roulette wheel.

The mechanics and rules are simple: you can bet on a number or a set of numbers you think the ball will land in after it is spun in the roulette wheel. Sets can include numbers of the same color, same row, oddness and evenness, depending on the type of variation you play. You win if the ball lands on the numbers you bet on.

When playing roulette with friends, you can always play however you like: you can play together in one account and share winnings, or you could play it differently through a multiplayer game.

To Sum it Up

Online casinos can let you play independently, but you can always play with your buddies if you like. Additionally, you can play many online casino games with other people, so there are always ways to entertain. If you’re still finding out which online casino to use, make sure they have multiplayer games you and your friends can enjoy.